Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Called and Chosen

Many of us go throughout our whole life looking for the right fit.  We’re trying to discover who we are, and what are gifts are.  We spend money on self-help books, and tools of self-discovery.  We take online tests, visit therapists, career consultants, counselors, and our parish priest to try and find the answers.  Many of us turn to shopping, alcohol, deserts, tv, technology, facebook and other things to fill our lives.  Americans always seem to be saving up for the bigger house, the new boat, the latest technology, the fancier car, or the better brand of clothing.  We’re like the clown that pulls the scarf out of his sleeve and it keeps going and going and going and going and going. 
Sometimes we get so involved in the here and now, we forget to see where we’re going.  Where is your faith life going?  Where is your child’s faith life going?  If students spent as much time working on their faith as they did with their sport team, their band, or their play where would their faith be?  I love the extracurricular – trust me, I was an extracurricular junkie in high school.  Between golf, track, cross country, basketball, band, yearbook staff and church, I was a busy kid too growing up but in my family, church always came first.  When there was a retreat, my parents signed me up.  When there was a holy day, I was at mass.  On days that I had no school, my dad would invite me to daily mass with him.  When speakers came to a church, you bet we were there.  I look at my life at 30, with a wife and kid, and I no longer play basketball.  I don’t run anymore.  I don’t take pictures like I did in high school.  I don’t play the trombone anymore.  Although those were great experiences and I learned a ton from them – Faith is the one thing I have carried on.  Faith is what I cling to at the happiest and most difficult times of my life.  Jesus Christ has been my companion through every journey I’ve ever had.  The Church has been my support and my hope.  I’m deeply passionate about my Church and defending her like I would defend my own mother. 

 So many people fill their lives with more and more meaningless “stuff”.  They spend their money on things that will eventually become outdated and unwanted.  They turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with the stresses of their life.  They get caught up in other self-destructive activities and in the end, they’re left in bondage to them.  They are so beat up, bruised, broken and beaten they have nothing left, and feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and frustration. 
To my parents and teens – when you’ve tried it all, and nothing else seems to work, turn to the one saving Jesus Christ which heals all wounds and repairs all brokenness.  Jesus Christ our Savior and King will walk with us through our trials and tribulations.  He understands our pain as he suffered such unfathomable pain so that our sins may be forgiven.  He loves you unconditionally and is waiting to give you a contentment that nothing on this earth can give you. 

 You have been called from your birth.  In the most inner place of your soul, he calls for you.  It was woven in your creation as he formed your heart in your mother’s womb.   God our father created you to fulfill a purpose.  His plan is the greatest plan that would bring you the greatest joy if you only turn to him and ask for direction.  Too many of us try our own path and find it empty and misleading.  Only the plan of God will bring you fulfillment.  Turn to him!  Ask for him to walk with you for he says “my yolk is easy and my burden is light”.  He has given you so many incredible gifts to use for his glory.  Use them for him and he will make your work even greater!
We are providing more and more opportunities for you and your family.  Your parish community is here to help you find our Lord within the depth of your heart – are you willing to turn to him?  Are you willing to do what it takes to help your family grow in him? 

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